The spring selling season is underway and there has been a jump in listings in many parts of Australia.
While you only need one person or couple to buy your home, if you want the best price, you need to have as many people as possible putting in offers.
Frustratingly, Australian buyers can be incredibly picky. They usually have something very specific in mind and if a place doesn’t tick their boxes, they will put in a low offer.
Before you put out the doormat for open home day, here’s an idea of what goes through prospective buyers’ heads when they come to have a look around, and how you can present your place so it overcomes the most common objections.
What Australian home buyers are thinking:
“Where is this place?”
If potential buyers are driving up and down the street wondering which is the right property, they are off to a bad start.
There are a couple of ways to combat this.
To begin with, ensure that your house number can be clearly and easily seen from the street. On or next to the letterbox is usually ideal, but your house number clearly marked on a front fence or even sprayed on the curb, if your local council allows, will make it easier for buyers to identify the correct property.
The other two options can be carried out with the help of your real estate agent. Firstly, if possible, your agent should provide a clear picture of what your home looks like from the street in the advertising materials. This way, buyers will already have a visual to go by when they are heading to your home open.
Secondly, your agent should place signage outside the home and at a few key points on the street directing buyers to the front door. If you are selling an apartment and the access is confusing, your agent should have someone at the entrance or street to give directions.
“My first impression is…”
You want people to smile as they walk towards the front door so make sure your home for sale has ‘street appeal’. Pathways should be clean and easy to navigate.
If you’re selling an apartment, do what you can to make the landing and front entrance seem appealing, even if it means asking the neighbours to put their shoes out of sight (providing you get along well with them).
Never underestimate a first impression… some buyers won’t look past the way they feel as they enter the building or even as they pass the real estate agent on the way in. Make sure you’re working with a friendly agent who cares about getting you a good result.
“What’s that smell?”
The last thing you want when potential buyers walk into your home is for them to instantly be put off by a bad smell. Even if the house is amazing, it will drop towards the bottom of their wish list because the smell is all they will be able to remember.
One of the biggest culprits for generating smells in the home is pets, so get rid of food and litter trays, and give your furniture a steam clean or thorough wash before open day. It’s best to get
rid of the smell instead of trying to mask it with deodorant or air freshener at the last minute.
Fresh flowers or a scented candle can also make the place smell inviting without being overwhelming.
“I don’t like this furniture.”
You may think that home buyers would look at a home and see the furniture and decoras irrelevant because it won’t be there when they move in, but this is far from the case.
It’s frustrating, but picky buyers can be put off and distracted by poor furniture choices. They won’t be able to picture themselves living there and will move straight on to the next place.
This is why agents recommend you declutter, upgrade old furniture or arrange for an interiors expert to style your property. It makes it look instantly more desirable and can add thousands of dollars to the final outcome.
“What would I use this space for?”
If your home has an unusual or distracting feature or room, find a way to minimise its impact by either directing attention away from it or setting it up so its purpose is clear. A desk and lamp can turn a nook into a study, or a smaller room can function as a storage space.
“Oh I could never manage this garden”
Most Aussies are looking for a low-maintenance outdoor space that they can relax in so look at your backyard with a critical eye and find ways to make the buyer think about unwinding, not weeding when they come for an inspection.
Be picture perfect on open home day
A quality agent will help ensure the best parts of your home stand out on open home day and will be there to answer questions so buyers are excited to take the next step. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice and to try viewing your home from the eyes of a buyer before you put it on the market.
Want help to sell your property for more? Reach out to me today at teresa@teresaberger.com.au.