When you set out to find a rental property, you have two choices, find one with a self-managing landlord or lease a home through an agency and a property manager.
Renting with a property manager is the smarter choice for the
following reasons:
• A property manager knows all the tenancy rules and regulations
In Australia, every state has a long list of rules and regulations that are in place to protect renters and landlords.
However, just because someone has bought a property and is now renting it out doesn’t mean they know all the rules in detail.
A property manager, on the other hand, is well versed in the rules and regulations of their state as part of their job. This knowledge means they will always follow the guidelines that keep you protected and within your rights as a tenant.
• Property managers have policies and procedures to follow
The policies and procedures put in place by real estate agents for their property managers to follow mean that they are usually more reliable and predictable than people who aren’t industry professionals.
Your property manager has to adhere to a high standard set by their agency, so you will always get the best care and service. With a property manager, you know you will be taken care of and all your needs will be addressed.
• There is almost always somebody on call
Property managers work with agencies as part of a team.
Being a team means there are others around to pick up emergencies if your assigned property manager can’t help you.
If your usual point of contact is unavailable for whatever reason, the agency will have someone else who can handle your problem. You don’t have to worry about a self-managed landlord going away on holiday and leaving you with no one to contact.
• You get clear, detailed receipts and reports
Property managers will always provide you with records of any transactions or correspondence. If you ever need the paperwork regarding your rental property, you know that it will be easy to access.
Having rental receipts can be important if, for example, you are applying for a home loan. Your property manager will have them close to hand and may even use an online portal that allows you to access the records you need without even having to ask.
• Property managers don’t make it personal
Landlords often have an emotional as well as a financial investment in the properties they own.
High emotions can make it hard to resolve disputes, even minor ones.
On the other hand, property managers leave their personal baggage at home. They are not emotionally invested and can make more rational decisions based on standards and regulations rather than assumptions.
• They won’t show up unexpectedly
Every now and then you will come across a self-managed landlord who feels they have the right to come and go as they please because they own the property. This can result in your privacy being invaded.
A property manager will never appear at your doorstep uninvited and certainly won’t let themselves in. They are aware of their boundaries and the importance of privacy. Your inspections will be scheduled and you will always have plenty of warning.
Choose a property manager
A property manager is the best choice for consistent service and peace of mind. You will save yourself the risk of dealing with a landlord who doesn’t understand industry best practices and be likely to have a more positive experience.
Looking for a place to rent? Contact your local Professionals office today.