Selling your home seems easy… until you get started with the process! If you want the best price for your property without the hassle, here are the biggest mistakes you need to avoid.
1. Not choosing the right real estate agent
Not all property agents are cut from the same cloth. Many are under a great deal of pressure to hit unreasonable targets; they just want to make their commission and move on. This may come at the cost of you achieving the maximum sale price for your home.
Take your time to find an agent who is right for you. The best agents care about their customers. They will work with you to understand your desired outcomes and help you achieve them.
A quality agent will listen to you and won’t push you to accept a sale when you’re not comfortable or clear about your options.
What’s more, it helps to have a local agent. They know the current market and are well-informed about the true value of your property better than someone who operates in a different area.
2. Not dressing and styling your property
You can’t underestimate the impact of presenting your property so it looks impressive to your buyers.
Unfortunately, this means stripping most of your personality out. It may feel difficult but, all going well, it won’t be your home anymore anyway.
Potential buyers need to walk into your property and see it as a blank canvas. They need to be able to imagine how they can make it their own. If there is too much of your personality
on display it can be hard for buyers to see themselves living there so remove items like photos, toys, sports equipment and artwork.
A property stylist is a wise investment but if you aren’t able to work with one, spend as much time as you can tidying and decluttering before photos are taken. A fresh coat of paint in a neutral colour will also help.
3. Choosing the wrong sales strategy
From auction to private treaty and off-market listings, there are many options when it comes to selling your home. Different strategies are suitable for different areas and locations. Get your strategy wrong and you could lose a lot of money.
Talk through which strategy is best for your home sale with an experienced agent. They will be able to explain which type of campaign is likely to be most successful for your area and the type of home you own.
4. Having unrealistic expectations
It’s only reasonable to want the best price for your property but you still have to stay within the realms of reality. Expecting more than the market will offer will lead to disappointment and can put you at risk of having your listing go ‘stale’. When this happens, people start to assume there is something wrong with the property.
The first offer that comes in is often the best one because it will come from someone who has been shopping for a long time but there is always an exception to the rule. When those initial bids come in, speak with your real estate agent about whether they think you can achieve more and what impact holding out for a higher price will have on your future plans.