Can you get COVID rental assistance?
COVID rental assistance is available across the country at different times, depending on current circumstances. With the pandemic making life difficult for so many, it can be a welcome relief.
The financial support that is available varies from state to state but here is an overview:
New South Wales
The NSW government has introduced a residential tenancy support package to help renters. To be eligible for the package, one or more rent-paying members of a household must have:
• Lost employment or income or had a reduction in income because of COVID-19
• Had to stop working because they or a member of the household has contracted COVID-19
Applicants also have to show that the weekly income of the household has reduced by more than 25%.
The NSW government classifies rent-paying members of a household as; “Any person who regularly contributes towards the rent payable under a residential tenancy agreement”. Your name doesn’t have to be on the lease to count as a rent-paying member of the household.
If you are eligible for the residential tenancy support package, your landlord may be eligible for financial support for rent reduction. In short, if your landlord reduces your rent, they can claim the money back from the government. It is worth talking with your landlord or property manager if you think this might apply.
In Victoria at the time of writing, direct rental relief is not available but there are still ways you can get support:
• COVID disaster payment: The COVID disaster payment is available for those who have lost income. The eligibility criteria differ between those who receive a Centrelink or DVA payment and those who don’t. (This payment has the same requirements in Queensland, the ACT, and the Northern Territory.)
• Isolation payment: If you can’t work because of COVID-19 testing and the need to isolate, there is a $450 payment you can claim.
• Bill support: The Victorian government also offers help with electricity and water bills. This help is available if you are struggling because of COVID-19.
Western Australia
WA doesn’t have any specific COVID relief for renters either. They do have the Residential Rent Relief Grant Scheme though. It provides rent arrears and future rent support to eligible Western Australians.
Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is also available to eligible Western Australians.
South Australia
The South Australian government has put a few measures in place:
• Tenants can’t be evicted if their failure to pay is because of COVID-19
• Landlords can’t increase rent during COVID-19
• COVID-19 is designated a form of undue hardship meaning that’s how it will be treated in court
The SA government advises tenants to communicate with their landlords. You should discuss your situation and try to resolve it with a written plan.
SA also offers COVID-19 disaster payment. To be eligible, you need to have met their criteria between 21 July and 27 July 2021.
Queensland has protection in place until the 30th September 2021. These include:
• Keeping tenants off the bad tenants database if they have struggled with COVID-19
• Limits on raising rent when re-letting
• Extensions for short term tenancies on moveable dwellings
• Ways for tenants experiencing domestic violence to end their lease quickly
Talk to your property manager or to Tenants Queensland if you need help. Tenants Queensland also has a handy fact sheet up on their website.
Queensland’s COVID-19 disaster payment system is the same as it is for Victoria.
Australian Capital Territory
In Australia’s capital, there are currently no specific grants or services to help with rent. They ask that tenants communicate with their landlords and that landlords be lenient.
A payment order may apply in some cases. This allows tenants longer to pay arrears while staying in their home.
The ACT’s COVID-19 disaster payment system is also the same as it is for Victoria and Queensland.
Northern Territory
As in the ACT, the Northern Territory government is currently advising communication and common sense.
Again, the COVID-19 disaster payment system in the Northern Territory is the same as it is for Victoria, Queensland, and the ACT.
Please note that the above is general information and is subject to change.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties due to COVID and are a tenant, the best person to reach out to is your property manager, who will be able to let you know what payments you can apply for