Summer has left us for another year and while you might still be experiencing warm days, depending on where you are in Australia, it won’t be too much longer before autumn’s chill starts to set in.
While you might be busy getting rugged up as the cooler weather sets in, it’s important not to forget to get your property ready too, so you can enjoy cool nights in comfort.
1. Inspect heaters and fireplaces
You’re probably going to want to start using your heating devices as soon as it starts cooling down, so it’s a good idea to make sure they’re in good repair before doing so. Depending on the heating system you use, you may want to call a technician in to look it over for you.
If you have a fireplace then it may be worth getting it inspected by a chimney specialist to make sure it’s free of blockages or other potential hazards. You may also want to start building up your firewood supply now.
2. Make sure the heat will stay in
Your home will have a hard time staying warm if there are any gaps around windows or doors letting that cool air in. If you find any leaks or gaps you should be able to seal them up using caulking or weather stripping.
3. Check smoke alarms
The colder months are generally associated with a higher incidence of home fires due to people spending more time inside and using heating appliances.
To protect your home and family you should make it a regular practice throughout the year to check your smoke alarms are in working order and that batteries aren’t in need of replacement.
4. Clean out gutters
While falling autumn leaves can look pretty, they can also lead to blocked gutters.
Cleaning gutters isn’t the most fun job in the world, but if they do become blocked they can cause drainage issues or even roof damage, which is definitely something you don’t want.
If you’re worried about climbing up to the roof to clean them out then bring in somebody to do it for you.
5. Get out the winter woollies
It’s a good idea to start getting out all of your old winter quilts and blankets. If they’ve been stored away for almost a year there’s a chance that they may be a bit musty and may require a clean before using.
6. Do a little gardening
It’s a good idea to head into the garden at the start of every season to assess what plants need to stay and go.
Plants that have been struggling to make it through summer may not make it through the cooler weather, so it could be worth finding some colourful autumn blooms to replace them with.